Beyond The Voting Rights Act
Proceeds from this book will be donated to the Promise of Democracy Foundation.
Federal Page
Federal issues related to Expanding Voting Access
Learn about our OHIO Civic Education Project:Federal laws have enhanced opportunities for citizens to vote. However, barriers continue to be erected at the state level that prevent citizens from participating fully in our system of democracy. These barriers lead to low voter turnout in underserved minority communities across the state of Ohio and result in minority citizens being under-represented in numbers disproportionate to their population.
The Promise of Democracy Foundation (PDF) is implementing a model Ohio Civic Education Project – a monthly community education forum (“Your Vote Still Matters”). The initiative focuses on challenges to Voting Rights in Ohio and its potential impact on the 2018 and 2020 Election Cycles. The OHIO Civic Education Project
Community education forums will be held in high schools, and on college campuses, community centers, and faith-based institutions across Ohio. The project will place special emphasis on the barriers to civic participation unique to each area. The lecture series is designed to promote dialogue, and diverse perspectives on public policy making as a means for social change. Please consider supporting our efforts by making a donation. |
Over four decades, civil rights leader Gregory T. Moore has tirelessly worked to reform US voter registration laws. His goal is to safeguard the rights of racial minorities at the ballot box. We interviewed him about the ever-increasing threats to the 1965 Voting Rights Act and his views on the future of American democracy.
Promise of Democracy Foundation, Inc.
1300 Superior Avenue East Suite 1300 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Telephone; 216-217-1411 |
Promise of Democracy Foundation
Maryland Headquarters 9701 Apollo Drive Suite 100 Largo, Maryland 20774 |